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Installation Requirements

This page describes the software and networking requirements for the nodes where GPUStack will be installed.

Python Requirements

GPUStack requires Python version 3.10 to 3.12.

Operating System Requirements

GPUStack is supported on the following operating systems:

  • macOS
  • Windows
  • Linux

GPUStack has been tested and verified to work on the following operating systems:

OS Versions
Windows 10, 11
Ubuntu >= 20.04
Debian >= 11
RHEL >= 8
Rocky >= 8
Fedora >= 36
OpenSUSE >= 15.3 (leap)
OpenEuler >= 22.03


The installation of GPUStack worker on a Linux system requires that the GLIBC version be 2.29 or higher. If your system uses a lower GLIBC version, consider using the Docker Installation method as an alternative.

Supported Architectures

GPUStack supports both AMD64 and ARM64 architectures, with the following notes:

  • On Linux and macOS, when using Python versions below 3.12, ensure that the installed Python distribution corresponds to your system architecture.
  • On Windows, please use the AMD64 distribution of Python, as wheel packages for certain dependencies are unavailable for ARM64. If you use tools like conda, this will be handled automatically, as conda installs the AMD64 distribution by default.

Accelerator Runtime Requirements

GPUStack supports the following accelerators:

  • Apple Metal (M-series chips)
  • NVIDIA CUDA (Compute Capability 6.0 and above)
  • Ascend CANN
  • Moore Threads MUSA
  • AMD ROCm
  • Hygon DTK

Ensure all necessary drivers and libraries are installed on the system prior to installing GPUStack.


To use NVIDIA CUDA as an accelerator, ensure the following components are installed:

Ascend CANN

For Ascend CANN as an accelerator, ensure the following components are installed:


To use Moore Threads MUSA as an accelerator, ensure the following components are installed:


To use AMD ROCm as an accelerator, ensure the following components are installed:

Hygon DTK

To use Hygon DTK as an accelerator, ensure the following components are installed:

Networking Requirements

Connectivity Requirements

The following network connectivity is required to ensure GPUStack functions properly:

Server-to-Worker: The server must be able to reach the workers for proxying inference requests.

Worker-to-Server: Workers must be able to reach the server to register themselves and send updates.

Worker-to-Worker: Necessary for distributed inference across multiple workers

Port Requirements

GPUStack uses the following ports for communication:

Server Ports

Port Description
TCP 80 Default port for the GPUStack UI and API endpoints
TCP 443 Default port for the GPUStack UI and API endpoints (when TLS is enabled)

Worker Ports

Port Description
TCP 10150 Default port for the GPUStack worker
TCP 10151 Default port for exposing metrics
TCP 40000-41024 Port range allocated for inference services
TCP 50000-51024 Port range allocated for llama-box RPC servers