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gpustack draw

Generate an image with a diffusion model.

gpustack draw [model] [prompt]

Positional Arguments

Name Description
model The model to use for image generation.
prompt Text prompt to use for image generation.

The model can be either of the following:

  1. Name of a GPUStack model. You need to create a model in GPUStack before using it here.
  2. Reference to a Hugging Face GGUF diffusion model in Ollama style. When using this option, the model will be deployed if it is not already available. When not specified the default Q4_0 tag is used. Examples:


--size value 512x512 Size of the image to generate, specified as widthxheight.
--sampler value euler Sampling method. Options include: euler_a, euler, heun, dpm2, dpm++2s_a, dpm++2m, lcm, etc.
--sample-steps value (Empty) Number of sampling steps.
--cfg-scale value (Empty) Classifier-free guidance scale for balancing prompt adherence and creativity.
--seed value (Empty) Seed for random number generation. Useful for reproducibility.
--negative-prompt value (Empty) Text prompt for what to avoid in the image.
--output value (Empty) Path to save the generated image.
--show False If True, opens the generated image in the default image viewer.
-d, --debug False Enable debug mode.