You can upgrade GPUStack using the installation script or by manually installing the desired version of the GPUStack Python package.
- When upgrading, upgrade the GPUStack server first, then upgrade the workers.
- Please DO NOT upgrade from/to the main(dev) version or a release candidate(rc) version, as they may contain breaking changes. Use a fresh installation if you want to try the main or rc versions.
Upgrade GPUStack Using the Installation Script
To upgrade GPUStack from an older version, re-run the installation script using the same configuration options you originally used.
Running the installation script will:
- Install the latest version of the GPUStack Python package.
- Update the system service (systemd, launchd, or Windows) init script to reflect the arguments passed to the installation script.
- Restart the GPUStack service.
Linux and macOS
For example, to upgrade GPUStack to the latest version on a Linux system and macOS:
curl -sfL https://get.gpustack.ai | <EXISTING_INSTALL_ENV> sh -s - <EXISTING_GPUSTACK_ARGS>
To upgrade to a specific version, specify the INSTALL_PACKAGE_SPEC
environment variable similar to the pip install
curl -sfL https://get.gpustack.ai | INSTALL_PACKAGE_SPEC=gpustack==x.y.z <EXISTING_INSTALL_ENV> sh -s - <EXISTING_GPUSTACK_ARGS>
To upgrade GPUStack to the latest version on a Windows system:
Invoke-Expression (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://get.gpustack.ai" -UseBasicParsing).Content
To upgrade to a specific version:
$env:INSTALL_PACKAGE_SPEC = gpustack==x.y.z
Invoke-Expression "& { $((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://get.gpustack.ai' -UseBasicParsing).Content) } <EXISTING_GPUSTACK_ARGS>"
Docker Upgrade
If you installed GPUStack using Docker, upgrade to the a new version by pulling the Docker image with the desired version tag.
For example:
docker pull gpustack/gpustack:vX.Y.Z
Then restart the GPUStack service with the new image.
Manual Upgrade
If you install GPUStack manually, upgrade using the common pip
For example, to upgrade GPUStack to the latest version:
pip install --upgrade gpustack
Then restart the GPUStack service according to your setup.